Getting Started

Once you’ve taken the first step – scheduling time to have a conversation with an advisor - here are a few tips to make the most of your time.


Write down your goals, rank them in terms of importance and the time-frame in which you want to accomplish them. Here are some to consider:

  • Starting a business
  • Funding education
  • New Car / Home
  • Travel
  • Healthcare
  • Leaving a legacy


After identifying your goals, gather information about the resources you will use to reach them.

  • Current investments
  • Savings
  • Pension/401(k)/social security benefits
  • Other assets

Information to bring along

  • Recent account statements (pension, IRA, 401(k)s, savings)
  • Information about other investments or assets (e.g., stocks, real estate)
  • Income details (e.g., pay stubs, pensions, Social Security, inheritance, last years tax returns)
  • Monthly expenses (e.g., credit cards, mortgage/rent, loans)
  • Recent tax records
  • Estate planning information (e.g., trust, will, life insurance)

It’s a good idea to bring a recent statement from your current investments to the meeting.

Risk Tolerance

  • Risk tolerance is a measure of your willingness and ability to accept higher volatility in exchange for higher returns. There are several factors to consider in determining your comfort with risk.
  • Your age
  • Current income and career stability.
  • Risk capacity – how much you can afford to lose without dire consequences
  • Goal you are investing for
  • Time until the goal is realized
  • Perceived /emotional risk – how bad news makes you feel and act

How do I get started?

The first step toward reaching your goals is finding the right advisor to help get you there. That’s why we offer no-obligation initial consultations. These meetings provide an opportunity for you to get to know the person who will be advising you, and just as importantly, for us to get to know you.

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