How to Choose an Advisor

You deserve the knowledgeable guidance of a financial advisor whose investment philosophy is consistent with yours. We offer no-obligation initial consultations - so we can get to know each other and determine if our services may benefit you.
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Not sure what to ask? Here are a few basic questions to get the conversation started.

What securities registrations and other certifications do you have?
Many advisors have specialized training in specific areas. Be sure your advisor has the skills and qualifications you need.

Will I work solely with you, or will others be involved?
Some advisors work alone, others are part of a team, with different individuals handling particular aspects of the relationship. Make sure you are comfortable with the approach the advisor uses.

What specific services do you and your firm offer?
Make sure the services provided by the advisor match up to your needs and desires. Some firms offer a wider array of specialties than others.

How do you charge for your services?
There are as many different fee structures as there are advisors. By determining up-front the manner in which you will pay your advisor, and how much, you can determine if you are comfortable with the arrangement before committing to it.
Financial advice is NOT one size fits all. Talk with one of our advisors to find a comfortable fit.

How do I get started?
The first step toward reaching your goals is finding the right advisor to help get you there. That’s why we offer no-obligation initial consultations. These meetings provide an opportunity for you to get to know the person who will be advising you, and just as importantly, for us to get to know you.

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